
All The Farm That Is Fit To Print

Friday, June 17, 2011

Natural Pain Killers---Pass the Brownies

Now that Michigan has made medicinal marijuana legal, some folks are scrambling to see if they have the appropriate symptoms to qualify for the card. This is possibly the only time in the history of the world that someone would be really psyched for a diagnosis of, say, glaucoma. Not life threatening, treatable, and, hey, fill out that medical marijuana form.

Personally, I'm wondering how this kind of new business will affect the local economy. Can one really make hundreds of thousands of dollars as a medical marijuana provider? How the heck does that work? How can I do it, too?

Of course, there's still the pesky DEA and federal laws to deal with. I wonder how the folks in California walk that particular tightrope.

I wonder if I could get a prescription for chafing, extreme psychotic behavior, or even delusions of grandeur?

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